Le Rex Club (Technomania)
5 blvd Poissonière 75002 Paris. 2e arr.
Metro : Bonne-Nouvelle.
Il y a en pour tous les goûts: electro funky pour la nouvelle soirée Electric Chair, drum’n bass pour Massive, techno qui tape fort pour Automatik. Et bien sur, le roi du Rex, Laurent Garnier et sa résidence mensuelle Steromaniac. Jeunes clubbers, fans de sons électroniques ou musiciens, comme Damon Albarn de Blur, viennent avant tout pour apprécier le son et s’éclater sans frimer. Le meilleur sound system de Paris.
Classique :
18-40 ans. Entrée gratuite ou jusqu'à 13 euros (toujours sans conso).
Consos : 5,5 a 9 euros. Bouteille : de 110 a 140 euros.
Du mercredi au samedi de 23h30 a 6h ou 7h.
01 42 36 10 98
The appearance of this club was fantastic. The exterior proved to be an old cinema with a large, box appearance. However, the interior had circular tears towards the main dance floor which was immediately in front of the DJ. For the most part, the music blaring from the enormous speakers was techno. When we arrived at 12:45am, there were not as many people as expected. However at 2:00 am the dance floor was packed and the wine was flowing. If you care to see the most « unique » and « original » dancing of your life, this is the place!
Our rating out of four stars : 2